Dark is a German television series co-created by Baran bo Odar and Jantje Friese. Set in the fictitious town of Winden, GermanyDark concerns the aftermath of a child's disappearance which exposes the secrets of, and hidden connections among, four estranged families as they slowly unravel a sinister time travel conspiracy which spans three generations. Throughout the series, Dark explores the existential implications of time and its effects upon human nature.

Created by:

 Baran bo Odar
Jantje Friese

 Seris Info: 

  • Full Name: Dark Season 01
  • Release Year: 2019
  • Language: English
  • Size: 100MB & 250MB
  • Quality: 720p & 1080p HEVC WEB-DL HD
  • Format: Mkv


The year 2019. Events take place in a small German town called Winden. Two months ago, Jonas returned to the school with his father committing suicide. A couple of weeks ago when he came back, he learns that a child is lost in the town. Days of searching have remained unsuccessful and the whole town is on the thorn. With the disappearance of one of the children who has gone out to have fun together in order to get away from the tension of their parents, things get mixed up in the town. The first German production from the world’s leading Internet TV Network is set in a German town in the present day where the disappearance of two young children exposes the double lives and fractured relationships among four families. In ten, hour-long episodes, the story takes on a surprising twist that ties back to the same town in 1986.


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